BBC: Collaborative Design

I feel me and Eve have been quite productive when it comes to bouncing ideas off each other and are making good progress, as seen in the previous BBC post- movement is a big part of our concept so we're aiming towards creating a video to show the interactivity and movement of the redesign, using After Effects.

The video editing will hopefully take place by the start of next week, giving us a week to get our heads round it which should be enough time, what we want to produce isn't too complicated for someone who knows what they're doing.

We created a storyboard of how we want our advert to go and where and how the functions and new ideas will be shown during use. The advert will be big on horizontal movement, like our design.

From this storyboard we knew just what content we needed to create, allowing us to do unneeded work which simply isn't needed.

So the plan was for me to work on:
BBC Sport content, the horizontal live feed and the long vertical static content.
BBC Home landing page, the horizontal live feed and the long vertical static content
The user panel
The search bar
The favourites bar

Eve worked on:
The Weather page
The News page
The Weather panel
Redesigning the navigation and tabs

The original design looks like this:

The refined version after combining with Eve's design:

The refined version has a navigation a little more similar to the current bbc navigation so there's no alienation possibility for existing viewers, we now also have tabs underneath the live feed so you can narrow down your content further and there's more hierarchy in the type, with a mixture of bold and regular type, instead of my version which is all bold.

We've also added arrows for swiping between each BBC page. And a scroll bar beneath the live feed for flying through the live feed.

__Individual Elements

As there's quite a lot of individual panels moving in opposite ways we need to save out each individual element as it's own layer for putting into After Effects and animating.

BBC Sport elements

Live feed 

Static area

All areas are longer or wider than they need to be for the scroll effect.

BBC Home elements

The complete BBC Homepage design

BBC Home Live feed - you can see it's a mixture of sport, News, iPlayer and Weather

The static area is longer than it needs to be for the vertical scroll effect 


One of our major concepts which we haven't seen any other news outlet do is news tailored for you as an individual with your own interests.

Here's the YourFeed panel which slides down when clicking on the user man icon in the top right. Here you tick exactly which content you want when you land on the page, we don't want people to miss out on important news so it's optional and flexible. You can simply turn it on/off, breaking news which is important will over-ride your filters and still come through on your feed. Only the homepage wil lbe affected though, so it's kind of like a personalised landing page for you before you go through the rest of the site if you please.

The inspiration for this has come from widgets you can have on Android phones and websites such as iGoogle where you choose how you want your homepage to look.

Note: Still not too sure about how to implement the ability to type in your own filters such as "Football" I'll discuss this tomorrow with Eve


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