Bushido: The Art of Peace / Reviews & Audience

Looking into the kind of purpose and target audience for The Art of Peace, a book which has been a great help for my Bushido project

Example of a quote from the book:

"As soon as you concern yourself with the "good" and "bad" of your fellows, you create an opening in your heart for maliciousness to enter. Testing, competing with, and criticizing others weakens and defeats you."

__Reviews and quotes

"You do not have to be an Aikido practitioner or martial artist to appreciate the inspiring messages presented in Ueshiba's words. Ueshiba believed that the real way of the warrior is based on the compassion, wisdom, fearlessness, and love of nature, and thus his teachings are not strictly for the warrior, they are for the human race."—Qi Journal 

"Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of aikido, was in my view one of the greatest martial artists of all time. Although being a man of peace, he fully understood where and when force must be used, and even as an old man of 81 he could take on almost any number of opponents, defeat them, but leave them unharmed.
He was a man totally in control of his life and destiny and this book is full of quotes and short poems that he based his life upon. Instead of teaching you how to deliver fast and deadly kicks, Morihei Ueshiba believed that if you trained enough, were confident in yourself, and were in tune with your surroundings, then you can take on anybody.
This is a book for anybody, you do not have to practice aikido, or any style of martial art for that matter, it is a book explaining Morihei Ueshiba goverend his life and how he believed everybody should live theirs."

"In this little book, the founder of one of the world's most effective martial arts, Aikido, explains the philosophy that led him to take the brutal bone-crunching techniques of juijitsu, the head slicing strokes of Yagyu ryu kenjutsu, and other deadly arts and transform them into gentle, nonviolent ways of resolving conflict. A very worthwhile read. I guarantee you'll learn something."

"Nice little book,true to its word makes you think about how we as people treat and like to be treated"

" It offers a nonviolent way to victory in the face of conflict, and he believed that Aikido principles could be applied to all the challenges we face in life—in personal and business relationships, as well as in our interactions with society."


From these reviews you can see peoples reactions to the book and how they apply it to life in terms of careers, relationships, social behaviour and of course battle and martial arts too

So who reads products such as this?

It's a pretty rough way of researching but it definitely helped to have a look at some of the people who have reviewed and gave an opinion on the book after reading it.

From looking at the profile pics and names, there's actually more females reading this than I thought, people reading it are often adults, the chances of a young individual wanting to learn about philosophy and meditation for life through a book like this are less than a more mature person who wants inspiration for their career, relationships etc.

Some of the reviewers:


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