BBC: Storyboard

Doing this storyboard was really helpful, I had my own photos I took and I touched upon the use of the storyboard but Eve went a little more indepth on her DP blog. Although we made the storyboard in regards to working on a video as soon as possible, the same storyboard has really helped when it comes to boards too as we almost just made the boards in the same order as the video would have been.

The storyboard allowed us to see just what content we had to design and how, allowing us not to design stuff we won't really need, for example loads of article pages and the iPlayer page - we decided it wasn't needed for our proposal.


Originally posted by Eve

Today was a very productive day with Abbas because we developed a whole range of ideas. We decided that the only we could do our idea justice was to look into App design and After effects so we could produce an advert for our redesign of the BBC website.

We decided to put our concept into practice and draw up a story board of website features we want to highlight to the judges.  To make the storyboard clearer we work with a colour code.

Story Board design sheets

Boards in detail

Ending of story board development / further development plan


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