BBC: Building BBC Weather

Before we started working on the boards we obviously had to work on the redesign and putting concepts into practise, so after picking and choosing exactly what pages we needed to show, for what and where, it gave us less work to do and a more streamlined flow of work.

I was to work on BBC Sport and BBC Home, Eve was to work on BBC News and BBC Weather, everything came together in the end, here is how Eve got on with BBC Weather


Originally posted by Eve

Today I have spent most of my time defining how the weather page would work / look. To keep it consistent with the other pages that both Abbas and myself have been designing, I have worked around the same grid and our concept of combining moving live feeds with a static website. 

Photographic Live feed

I have decided to go down the route of a photographic live feed, that showcases photographs sent in to the BBC by the public. It would be a constant stream of photographs of different areas situated around the UK. I think it could make the weather page feel more personable as it gives the user the opportunity to share and post photographs of their local area.

Live Feed : Constant photo updates

I have designed the live feed to be very long, so when animate it we don't run out of out live feed real.

Live feed : Full screen view

This would be the view of the page on full screen view. I guess the photograph on top references Facebook, as it is laid out in the well known cover photo style.

Static View

This is the static section  of the weather page. It gives you a sub navigation bar that categorises all areas of weather from the UK to Coast and Sea guides. Once you click on a category, the page below will change and display different information.


Daily / Weekly forecasts are presented in a simplistic way providing the viewer with straight forward information about the weather ahead. I have used symbols and limited amounts of text to present the information. 

Tailor your forecast

Our main concept is to tailor the news to the user. It can be there choice to which what they want to see and view. For example the user can add a favourite location to the weather site and the forecast would be personal to their use.

Hot / Cold Spots in the UK

The user can see the warmest and coldest areas in the UK.

Map of the UK

No weather website could forecast the weather without a map. I have designed a really simple map of the UK, using the colour scheme of the weather site and the symbols from the previous feature.

Bottom area of website

This is the bottom are of the website where there are weather related news articles and BBC iPlayer features. A good example would be the weather forecast presented by a weather man.

Full View of layout

This is the full view of the my design. I still feel that there could be improvements here and there but it works well the rest of the work we have produced. The bottom part of the website needs some contexts placing there but we can apply additional features later on in the design process.

I also think the grey background colour needs to be changed as I feel it looks too dark.


I feel Eve did really well here and the more illustrative and image based design for the BBC Weather page really breaks up the flow and visual experience of the site, as soon as you click on Weather the change in design and imagery hits you and I think it works very well, we also decided to slightly tone down BBC's blue palette for BBC Weather and go with a more earthy sort of royal blue instead of almost turquoise.

After the Weather page was done, all content we wanted to show through design boards/video was done


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