BBC: Building the BBC News site

Before we started working on the boards we obviously had to work on the redesign and putting concepts into practise, so after picking and choosing exactly what pages we needed to show, for what and where, it gave us less work to do and a more streamlined flow of work.

I was to work on BBC Sport and BBC Home, Eve was to work on BBC News and BBC Weather, everything came together in the end, here is how Eve got on with BBC News


Originally posted by Eve

Over the past few weeks mine and Abbas's collaboration has been really successful. This week our ideas have come to life and it is really exciting to see the work develope. The collaboration has been a good experience as it has made me realise that working as a team is a lot of fun and you can bounce twice the amount of ideas around the table. 

The grid work that Abbas and myself have developed has been strong and Abbas's work has become the main layout in our design work especially the static section of the website. Whereas the navigation and live feed area has been both of our main influences combined. 

Live Feed

This will be a constant feed of breaking news articles. It will be updated every minute, just like how BBC News Twitter is updated.

Navigation Bar

This is the original navigation bar with a white strip at the top that Abbas has designed. I decided to make a few changes that still uses the same roll over idea.


My design was influenced by our grid so I gave our navigation some structure using white lines and equal spacing. I have kept the strip on top as we want it to move when we swipe to different sections of the website. The colours however will be rollovers and will only appear when rolled over / clicked on.

Sub Navigation

I have also inserted a sub navigation section to the website, as feedback from our peers said that the live feed and the static feed kind of merged into one visually. I took this on board and went back to the current BBC website. The sub navigation's they use are quite important and break up the news feed when clicked on. This design change has improved our layout a lot and helps break up the grid.

Bottom section

This is the bottom section of the website. I feel that there needs to be content added at the bottom however overall the design and colour scheme that references the current BBC news site works really well.

Close up areas

This is a close up of our current grid. I am pretty proud at how the relationship between the grid and the colour scheme intertwines because it helps break up the information. This way of designing helps the eye to move around the page, especially with the help of the white text boxes and hierarchies in the weights of the chosen font.

Full Grid

This is the full view of our news page so far.


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