My typeface poster is white stock with Black and Red ink on it. I realised Red, isn't CMYK and isn't a pure colour plate, unless you're working with RGB obviously. The brief says...

"Produce an alphabet based on one of the letterforms you created from the Alphabet Soup, Visual Thinking brief. You are restricted to using black and one colour and it is to be produced in CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, key). Although you are restricted to one colour you experiment with opacity and half tones."

So obviously, my poster isn't true to the brief. Red isn't a colour from CMYK, it's a mixture of more than one colour. So I need to go back to it and change up the colour. I quite fancy yellow, as it's a work in progress, building site, high visibility kinda colour. 

Bit concerned about the visibility of the yellow crane. Yellow is purposefully the colour of building site tools because of the visibility, against white it kind of defeats the point. So I tried it against a black background and made the harness mechanism and letter white, so obviously it contrasts and doesn't blend against the background.

Prefer it with a black background.  I think this will be the actual letterform itself, a black sort of grid like square with a pictogram inside it.

I'll now start laying this out into the A1 grid.


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