Before we got the 100 things collection brief, we looked quite in depth into our existing individual and group research from the previous 'how to' brief and picked out points of interest and interesting facts we'd found out and discussed these with our blog group. 

These were my interesting points: 
  • Most expensive wedding ever was Sheikh Bin Rashid Saeed Al Maktoum's son to Princess Salma in Dubai, May 1981 - $44 Million
  • In Denmark, brides and grooms traditionally cross dress to confuse evil spirits.
  • Part of Damien Hirst's DIY dots exhibition was buried because of the cleaner thinking it was trash left around.
  • Nike logo was designed by a graphic design student called Carolyn Davidson for $35
  • The first 'contemporary' logo was probably the Red Bass Triangle which was designed in 1876 and the first to be a trademarked image.

Initial questions and points of further enquiry received from blog group were:

  • The steps on creating an effective logo?
  • How much do people on average get paid for logos?
  • Average price of a Vegas wedding?
  • Weird weddings?
  • Who will be the first couple to get married in space?
  • What's the evil spirits about in the Danish wedding traditions?
  • Weird wedding traditions?
  • Danish/Gypsy weddings?
  • What's seen as the most effective logo of all time?
  • Highest paid logo fee?
  • How many wives did Henry VIII have?
  • The heaviest cake ever?
  • Have wedding dresses always been white?
  • How much have everyday logos changed over the years?
  • How much does average Vera Wang/Valentino cost?
  • Traditions of Gypsy weddings?
  • Average age of gypsy marriages?
  • Why do they wear really big dresses?
As I'm now going to look in-depth into the idea of weddings/marraige and all the subjects and themes surrounding it, I've made the relevant questions bold.

100 questions for me to find the answer to, I think, will provide a good framework and starting point for me to see what naturally I want to find out about and what will interest me as that's important with this brief - I'll be working on this for some time, interest is important.


  1. What was the most expensive wedding ever?
  2. What was the most expensive venue ever?
  3. What was the most expensive groom outfit ever?
  4. What was the most expensive bridal outfit ever?
  5. What was the longest dress ever?
  6. The most bridesmaids ever?
  7. The most expensive stag night?
  8. Has the wedding dress always been white in the western world?
  9. Had the wedding dress always been red in the South Asian world?
  10. Who started the traditions of wearing those certain clothes on weddings?
  11. How did they determine the 'wedding finger'?
  12. Why do Indians wear a Mangalsutra, once they're married
  13. Do different christians such as Protestants, Catholics etc have different Wedding traditions and procedures?
  14. What's the average of wedding couples?
  15. Who has the record of being married the most?
  16. Who has the record of being divorced the most?
  17. Why is Vegas such a hotspot for stag holidays?
  18. How much does it cost for a drive-through wedding?
  19. What are the sterotypes shown in movies about weddings and romance?
  20. Are stereotypes shown in movies about romance and marriage, actually mostly accurate?
  21. It is known, some muslims and Arabic sheikh type people have many wives, how is this possible?
  22. Why do arabic sheikh types have loads of wives?
  23. What was the youngest marriage ever?
  24. What was the oldest marriage ever?
  25. How did the royal family become 'royal'?
  26. How much have Royal weddings cost so much?
  27. Has Queen Elizabeth II ever had any romantic partners?
  28. How many people tuned into watch Prince William marry Kate Middleton?
  29. How many people tuned in to watch Prince Charles marry Diana?
  30. Why do some people only marry into certain castes?
  31. How did castes and different 'sects' of people come about, especially in asian communities?
  32. Why do some people carry out honour killings?
  33. When did the idea of an arrange marriage come about?
  34. Why did older generations of muslims etc frown upon love marriages?
  35. Why do some people think Shia muslim's are 'untouchable'? on the subject of castes
  36. What was the heaviest cake ever?
  37. Odd wedding locations
  38. Has anyone ever got married underwater?
  39. Has anyone ever got married in space, or plans to?
  40. When will Virgin space travel take off, as Richard Branson said?
  41. How much will it cost for a journey in space with Virgin?
  42. How much is the average cost of an engagement ring?
  43. How do people propose in other religions and cultures?
  44. Is the ring a universal method of proposal or are there other objects people propose with?
  45. In other cultures, is it abit different, for example does the woman ask the man for marriage?
  46. How are proposals etc, portrayed in media?
  47. What stereotypes and common themes are there in media, for example proposing in a restaurant?
  48. Why do they wear the sindoor in Hindu marriages?
  49. Do wedding procedures differ drastically in different cultures and religions?
  50. Why do muslims wear a mosque hat to pray in the mosque?
  51. What evil spirits do Danish people speak of when they cross dress to confuse them?
  52. What other traditions do people carry out for safety in weddings?
  53. What things do people do in weddings and in different cultures out of superstition?
  54. What traditions differ in different culture and why do they do these things?
  55. For example, why do they apply haldhi to the bride pre-wedding in asian culture?
  56. Are these traditions more of a cultural thing which as overlapped and grew over time, or is it a religious thing?
  57. Why were the families warring in Romeo and Juliet?
  58. Have lovers ever committed suicide out of 'impossible love' like in Romeo and Juliet?
  59. What's the shortest marriage ever?
  60. Why do reverends and important christian figures wear the white collar?
  61. Why can't reverends and priests etc ever get married or have romantic relationships with anyone?
  62. Why do priests have all that history with young boys, there must be some factors towards why they do what they do, with young boys of all people?
  63. Does the British Royal Family have fully British roots or are their roots and ancestors from somewhere other than Britain?
  64. What are Gypsy weddings like?
  65. Where do gypsy weddings take place?
  66. Do gypsy's usually tend to marry each other?
  67. Why were the two gypsy families warring in the family 'Knuckle'?
  68. When did bare knuckle gypsy fighting start?
  69. Have gypsy bare knuckle fighters been portrayed anywhere else, like in the film Snatch?
  70. Why are irish travellers, sometimes called 'Pikeys'? 
  71. What kind of training did Brad Pitt do to prepare himself for his pikey role?
  72. What does Gypsy King mean?
  73. How do they determine the king of the gypsies?
  74. How did gypsy bare knuckle fighting start?
  75. Have their been any famous bare knuckle fighters?
  76. Has anyone ever died in a bare knuckle fight?
  77. How much is a gypsy's average living expenses?
  78. How do the gypsy community have so much money, like shown in the Knuckle movie?
  79. How much does an Armani suit cost on average?
  80. What's the average of a gypsy wedding?
  81. How are gypsy's portrayed in media? e.g. My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding
  82. How much does a Vera Wang dress cost?
  83. How much does a Valentino cost?
  84. How much do A-list celebrity weddings cost?
  85. What kind of locations do celebrities get married in?
  86. How much is 'Beckhingam Palace' worth?
  87. How much do celebrities buy engagement rings for?
  88. What's the most expensive engagement ring ever?
  89. How did the idea of dowry come about?
  90. Where is dowry the most frequent, and why?
  91. How did the idea of giving gifts come about?
  92. How did the idea of a honeymoon come about?
  93. What's the most expensive honeymoon ever?
  94. Which famous couples have had famous splits? e.g. Kim Kardashian
  95. What's a pre-nuptial agreement?
  96. What's the biggest divorce settlement ever?
  97. What does a gold-digger mean?
  98. Who are the most famous apparent 'gold-diggers' ever?
  99. How much did these gold-diggers inherit?
  100. Do famous people employ wedding planners?
  101. How much on average do wedding planners cost?
  102. Was Romeo and Juliet based on a real story?
  103. Examples of famous romantic movies? Like Casablanca, Dr. Zhivago
  104. Have their been many cases of actors falling for their co-stars on set of a movie and splitting with their partner? e.g. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
  105. Have their been any famous celebrities who basically got screwed by their legal battles with former partners? e.g. Hulk Hogan and his ex-wife
  106. Honeymoon killings?
  107. Cases of fake marriages?
  108. Examples of odd and creative ways to propose?
  109. Why do grooms traditionally wear a tuxedo on the wedding day, instead of like a suit?
  110. Why is the traditional attire for wedding in different cultures and religions, just that?
  111. Why in some traditions do Indian grooms come on an elephant?
  112. Are there differences in how a man has to be around a woman in different cultures?
  113. Different romantic etiquette for different countries? For example in asian culture the woman stereotypical is shy and covers her face with head scarf
  114. Equalities of genders in different cultures/countries and religions
  115. How many women marry and become a housewife?
  116. When did the tradition of having a birthday cake start?
  117. Do different cultures replace a wedding cake with something else?
  118. Are there wedding superstitions like not seeing each other for a certain amount of time before the wedding?
  119. Certain days to get married for good luck etc?
  120. Do these differ depending on culture?
  121. What good luck traditions are there in weddings?
  122. How do most couples meet?
  123. What tips are there on dates and romance?
  124. What's the most effective way to make small talk?
  125. What things should you not do on a date?
  126. What do girls like in guys for first impressions?
  127. What do guys like in girls for first impressions?
  128. Why does the best man look after the ring?
  129. When did the tradition of the father walking the bride down the aisle come into fruition?
  130. Why do some girls have the title "ms"
  131. Why do girls change from miss to mrs, and guys still stay with mr, regardless if they're married or not
  132. Why do we even change titles after marriage, when did this start?


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