Lined up and centred all the content on an A2 spread, took alot longer than I thought it would. All the shapes and vectors really make the macs blow hard! Got there in the end though. The playing sides take up two A2 spreads and the back side will obviously be applied to the spreads twice as all the back sides look the same, so when I print down in digital dungeon, it'll probably be in this order..

The above two spreads will be printed on seperate sheets and then.. 

The backs will be printed on the two spreads twice, hopefully they'll line up nicely so when I cut out the cards they'll be nice. I've left the cut marks on the playing side as it's more important to know what I'm doing as there's intricate text and stuff on it, so even if things are a little off, the back side will feel it instead of the playing side. The back side has more room for error as it's just a black background so if i cut a little too much you shouldn't be able to tell, instead of text and stuff missing from the main side which isn't acceptable really for a finished product.


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