Possible 2 ideas for 'Communication Is A Virus'

So we discussed and threw around ideas today for the 'Communication Is A Virus' brief, the two ideas that we liked were:

 A conspiracy idea. Basically bringing out truths, or uncovering truths. The concept about it is that being truthful is always better and highlighting the blurred reality that people just accept and take for the truth, it encourages people to question things. Possible products for this are booklets for different conspiracies?

The other idea, which maybe is safer is the sharing secrets idea. The concept behind it is to encourage people to just be honest with themselves and honest to others, it feels great to get things off your chest. Obviously, sometimes secrets are kept for the best but anonymously sharing them will surely make you feel better and you can discuss things with each other, and have someone to talk to if you need.

The overall tone of it would be quite lighthearted and obviously the blog is something which can ideally keep running, I think it'd work regardless of a studio brief or not. We just need to brand it right and think of a suitable name for the scheme. The products for this could be...

A packaged envelope that you can pick up or send out, contains all basic products. But products can also be available seperately as
Postcards, draw and doodle secret on one side, ready to send on the other side. Also you can obviously scan and email, we will blog for you to the secrets community
A companion journal, which you can write stuff in to and get things off your chest. possibly have "my secrets" on the cover?
A fold-up box, a LIE BOX. Whenever you lie, you put money in the box
A stamp possibly, that says LIE or BULLSHIT. So you can stop other people lying too.

Research that came to mind:
Percentage of people that lie?
White lies
LIAR LIAR, movie starring Jim Carrey is interesting as it shows how telling the truth bluntly can cause problems surprisingly
Karl Pilkingtons sketch on lying and being 'Bullshit Man', a sort of truth saviour.

Idea 1: Conspiracy theories, JFK, 9/11, Tupac, Paul McCartney, Diana, Space landings and more.


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