My Feedback Questions + Common Crit Issues

Earlier this week (Wednesday 3rd) we brought in our 3 promotional graphic products for Summer research and crit each others work in pairs, you can see the notes I got back for my 3 products earlier in the blog!

Before the crit we al wrote a list of 5 things we specifically wanted feedback on. This allowed the people having a look at our work to give more focused feedback which gave answers to issues we raised which I thought was a nice touch as in the past I've received some pretty generic feedback which didn't really help me or pick up on any issues I had with my work.

Here is my list of questions I had about my work:

1. The packaging - are the dimensions suitable or maybe too big or too small?
2. Is the purpose and context of the set of products clear?
3. Do you think the design is effective and I've nailed the retro style I went for, especially on the poster?
4. What are your opinions on the flyer/fold-up UFC fight cage?
5. Do you think the other products work well with the poster, and as a group on the whole?
6. Is the choice of stock throughout effective or should the envelope perhaps be a bit thicker than the rest to be more solid and durable?
7. I tried to make the poster 'cluttered' and kind of disorganised on purpose, for a kind of pulp style. Do you think this works or actually brings the work down a little?

Here is a list we compiled as a group, which we agreed are issues frequently raised.

Common Crit issues:
  • Good clarity
  • Effective type
  • Questions and discussion context
  • Relevant colour/image
  • Originality of frequent
  • Range - does it work?
  • Spelling/Grammar/Copy
  • Composition
  • Grids-very important
  • Composition
  • Originality in design and format
  • Real-world context


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