Collab: Workshop (14/2/13)

The main aim of todays workshop for collaborative practice was to realise the task ahead, analyse each others benefits and potential problems and curveballs along the way, which we can hopefully avoid! Regarding the brief I'm very excited and we have a clear short-term plan in place in order to make headway before the next workshop.

The point about being an individual but working collaboratively really rang true with me, it's something we were discussing earlier and also something we're more comfortable with, working in a group and huddled around a mac arguing over pt sizes etc has been very counterproductive in the past, especially as experience in the group tasks of the 1st year. We agree it's better to be more professional and be contact regularly and design individually and confidently and then meet and discuss each others directions, especially in the early stages we're in right now anyway.


_Name: Abbas & Eve

_Why have you chosen to work with your creative partner? What are your aims?


Personally weak at seeing a project through to it's entire potential, become less motivated and adventurous towards the end and projects often become less impressive than the small individual elements themselves.

Having a clearer design process and better presentation of overall outcome, win the brief or at least produce a strong concept and vision which is easily imaginable and well proposed


My partner is a lot better at time management and is often full speed ahead when it comes to motivation.

My aim is to have a better workflow.

_What are your specific areas of creative interest in this brief?


Digitally working and the connection between user and the media, making something usual static, actually come to life and be interactive.

Movement and moving image. Experimenting with interactivity and bringing "BBC to life" across media

Applying my print sensibilities and layout to web design and layout.


Social media is ever changing and a very current project to work on.

Experimenting with layout and web design.

_What specific design skills do you have to offer in relation to your chosen brief? How do you intend to use them?


I feel I'm pretty strong at visualising a concept and solution to a design problem. It's something I enjoy and feel I thrive on, I've become increasingly loose and 'experimental' and feel this could work in our favour when approaching BBC in order to do something a bit different.

I'm skilled at software such as Photoshop and Illustrator, and also becoming pretty useful at simple animations which will be useful in a proposal and presentation based project such as this.


I'm good at layout design and am confident at coding successful web design.

I am skilled at photoshop and other Adobe Software.

Animation skills.

_What specific non-design skills do you have to offer in relation o your chosen brief? How do you intend to use them?


Time management and assigning tasks. This will be useful when assigning short tasks and action plans and assigning contact and discussion points in relation to our calendars and diaries.

Reliable and easy to contact. I'm reliable and punctual and this will help in terms of communication and constantly tracking progress.

Keeping a project on task and focussed. I feel I'm good at noticing when going off on a bit of a tangent and bringing it back a bit.



Confident at presenting work.

Photography and mocking up


_What will your specific roles be in the collaboration in relation to your brief?


Project management



Conceptual Idea generation


Photography (although Eve will be predominantly the stronger photographer, but this is also an opportunity for me to learn these key skills)




Project Management

Conceptual idea



_What will your individual responsibilities be in relation to your brief?



Complete any given tasks

Be easy to contact and be reliable and always on time

Work independently as well as collaboratively



Complete tasks

Easy to contact, frequent dialogue

Work independently as well as collaboratively.

_What will your joint responsibilities be?

Meet deadlines

Stay in dialogue and communication

Research and blog


Design tasks, independent design tasks and joint discussions and meeting points.


10 Points we agree on...

  1. We both agree on turning things around quickly and aiming high with this brief, addressing all possibilities
  2. Improve screen-based digital design and development. Applying print and 'graphic design' sensibilities to web design
  3. Look into user interface, interactivity and experience.
  4. Experimenting and applying print fundamentals such as Fibonacci sequences and golden ratios to web design
  5. Improve presentation and mock-ups to a professional portfolio standard.
  6. Pushing the project to it's potential and create something exciting and contemporary
  7. Reliability and communication
  8. Individual tasks
  9. Meetings and mini discussions and crits
  10. Tasks designed for our strengths and interests

5 differences...

  1. Eve is much stronger/confident at mocking up/photography skills
  2. I'm more motivated when it comes to time management and will push Eve to get things done
  3. Different skills sets in different areas such as type and layout, type and image etc
  4. Different design processes, Eve has a more hands-on analogue approach, while I'm more digital even when designing for print
  5. We conceptualise in different ways, research in different ways
  6. Eve researches more primary we're as I'm more secondary through articles.

Action Plan:

Moving forward we're both going to research into different areas, I'm going to read into articles about the connection between user and interactivity, it's successfulness etc through visual examples and articles, Eve will focus more on visual imagery. It's pretty loose at the moment, the plan is just to engage.

Meeting up Monday PM to present our own take and early concepts, to design and work individually and then combine and check out each others takes. We feel this is the best direction in these early stages.


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