OUGD505 - Studio Briefing - Notes

Some notes I took in the briefing, I thought I'd just type them out again to revisit what I wrote and hopefully set a few things off in my head


"Product, Range, Distribution"

Do something you havent done before! Now's your chance.

Express your personality, tone of voice. Use it as a chance to "show off" your hard work, Astonish us

**Use one of these as a starting point for your development

- Publishing & Editorial

- Information & Way-finding

- Branding & Identity

- Retail & Promotion

These all will form a starting point, the plan is for them to merge  and form a complete response. For example how will posters and a publication link to retail and promotion. For example an exhibition would have publishing in the form of flyers, posters, info and way-finding in the form of signage, and billboards, branding and identity in the form of badges, stationery and other collectible souvenirs and promotion in the form of flyers, posters, even tv ads maybe

Interms of fighting - a fight club proposal?

Be an art directon THEN a graphic designer, visualise and conceptualise everything to an in-depth level before even going near a macbook.

Problem + Solution. What do you want to share, what do you want to say? Make sure it's something you're interested and believe in. Let your visual style and flair come through

People become interested through famous figures or someone they can relate to. For example we all watched Africa because David Attenborough is in it, if he wasn't attached the viewing figures would definitely be dramatically less. We al feel like we know him.

Only make and pursue stuff if it has a purpose! Don't just stick your logo on a t-shirt for the sake of it.


Product Range and Distribution

A BODY OF WORK. Subject/ Theme.

Research and apply across a range of products. This naturally happens anyway when you research well and want to create an engaging project.

Think practically and conceptually.

Reflect your own creative ambitions, especially from now on moving forwards.



Part 1: Investigation of subject. Primary and secondary research. Presented on interim concept pitch, date to be decided. Also need to make a DC blog publication.

Part 2: Body of practical and contextual research that explores relationship between theme and at least two of the 'pathways', will most likely take care of itself

Part 3: Develop the response in context and aimed at the appropriate audience.


Concepts don't get out of date - designs can.

Blog - research and investigate and just see where you end up. ENGAGE. Also consider what you type and post as it will end up being a Design context publication.

Fight Club? - Posters and Promotion, public fight club or private? Could it even be legal?


Explore possilbilities. Meet your brief. Short Rationale 250 words and evaluation of the brief itself on completion.


+ Resolutions and products range for your brief
+ Presentation Boards - generally for concept
+ Posts to DP and DC blog
+ 16 page Design Context publication

= Digital PDF's of all publication material


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